Online English Lesson 6

Family and Friends


1. Речевая разминка
2. Family members
3. Possessive pronouns
4. Have/has

Речевая разминка.

 Представьте, что вы беседуете с этой женщиной:
-  Поздоровайтесь.
- Представьтесь. Спросите, как ее зовут.
- Поинтересуйтесь, откуда эта женщина
- Поинтересуйтесь, ее ли это пальто/сумка/плащ

Представьте, что с вами беседует этот мужчина, ответьте на его реплики:

-Good afternoon.
- …
- My name is Max. What is your name?
- …
- Where are you from?
- …
- What city are you from?
- ….
- Is it your glasses/umbrella/card?
- …


Найдите соответствие. Посмотрите на выделенное слово или фразу слева, найдите правильный перевод справа и нажмите на него.


2. Family members

Нажмите на слово, чтобы посмотреть перевод. Потом нажмите еще раз, чтобы вернуться. Чтобы посмотреть «карточку» со следующим словом, нажмите Дальше.



Впишите перевод:

1. папа - ...

2. мама - ...

3. сестра - ...

4. брат - ...

5. жена - ...

6. муж - ...

7. дети - ...

8. сын - ...

9. дочь - ...

10. свекр/тесть - ...

11. свекровь/теща - ...

12. свояченица - ...

13. деверь - ...

14. бабушка - ...

15. дедушка - ...

16. тетя - ...

17. дядя - ...

Подберите артикль к слову:












3.  Possessive

I – my 
you – your
he- his
she – her
it – its
we – our
they - their

the text and answer the questions


is my mother. Her name is Valentina. She is 68. She is a very kind-hearted

woman. She has two sons and a daughter. I am her daughter, Maria. Her sons are

two my brothers: Ivan and Maxim.  My

mother has two sisters. Their names are Irina and Marina. Irina is 65, Marina

is 61. They are my aunts. They also have children, so I have many cousins.

Irina’s husband is my mother’s brother-in-law. 

His name is Alexander. He is already a grandfather, so he has children

and grandchildren. So Irina is also a mother and a grandmother.

Answer the questions to the text:

What is the text about?
Who is the main hero of the text?
Who is Valentina?
How old is Irina?
Is Irina a grandmother?
How many cousins does Maria have?
How many brothers does Maria have and what are their names?
Who is Marina to Maria?
Who is Alexander to Maria?

Переведите на английский язык:

Ее зовут Мария. У нее есть мама. Ее маму зовут Валентина. Ей 68. Мария – дочь Валентины.  Сыновья Валентины – Иван и Максим – братья Марии. У матери Марии две сестры – Ирина и Марина. Они – тети Марии. Муж Ирины – дядя Марии. Ирина – бабушка, у нее есть дети и внуки.

5.  Have/has

to have  - иметь

I have
you have
he /she/ it  HAS
we have
they have

Впишите отсутствующее слово:

1. I ... two umbrellas.

2. My brother ... three sisters.

3. Do you ... a brother?

4. Her grandmother ... no credit card.

5. This dog ... a name. It’s name is Rex.

6. Do they ... many cousins?

7. We ... no cats or dogs in the house.


Do I have
Do you have
DOES he/she/it HAVE
Do we have 
Do they have

Переделайте утвердительные предложения в вопросительные:

I have two umbrellas.
My brother has three sisters.
You have two brothers.
Her grandmother has a credit card.
This dog has a name. It’s name is Rex.
They have many cousins.
We have many cats and dogs in the house.

Have/has в

I do not (don’t) have 
you do not (don’t) have
we do not have (don’t) have
they do not have (don’t) have

Переделайте утвердительные предложения в

I have two umbrellas.
My brother has three sisters.
You have two brothers.
Her grandmother has a credit card.
This dog has a name. It’s name is Rex.
They have many cousins.
We have many cats and dogs in the house.

Прочитайте текст еще раз. Переделайте все
утвердительные предложения сначала в вопросительные, а потом в отрицательные.

This is my mother. Her name is Valentina. She is 68. She is a very kind-hearted woman. She has two sons and a daughter. I am her daughter, Maria. Her sons are two my brothers: Ivan and Maxim.  My mother has two sisters. Their names are Irina and Marina. Irina is 65, Marina is 61. They are my aunts. They also have children, so I have many cousins. Irina’s husband is my mother’s brother-in-law.  His name is Alexander. He is already a grandfather, so he has children and grandchildren. So Irina is also a mother and a grandmother.

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