Учимся рассказывать истории на английском языке

20 самых популярных английских неправильных глаголов:

be-was/were – быть
have-had – иметь
do-did – делать
go-went – идти
say-said – сказать
get-got – получать
make-made – делать, создавать
know-knew – знать
think-thought – думать
take-took – брать
see-saw – видеть
come-came – приходить
find-found – находить
give-gave – давать
tell-told – рассказывать
become-became – становиться
show-showed – показывать
leave-left – покидать, оставлять
feel-felt – чувствовать
bring-brought – приносить

1. Прочитайте, переведите текст

     Once, there was a young boy named Tom. He had a small dog and loved spending time with it. One day, Tom went to the park with his dog. His mother said to him, "Be careful!" Tom did as she told him and took care of his dog. In the park, they got a ball, and Tom made a game out of throwing it for his dog to catch.

     As they played, Tom knew it was getting late. He thought about leaving, but he still wanted to play a bit longer. Suddenly, Tom saw another boy who came to the park. The boy found a toy and gave it to Tom. They both told stories and laughed.

     Tom's dog became tired, so they decided to leave. The boy showed Tom a shortcut home. Before he left, Tom felt happy and thanked the boy. When he got home, Tom brought a smile to his mother's face by telling her all about his fun day at the park.

2. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

Once, there ___ a young boy named Tom. He ___ a small dog and loved spending time with it. One day, Tom ___ to the park with his dog. His mother ___ to him, "Be careful!" Tom ___ as she ___ him and took care of his dog. In the park, they ___ a ball, and Tom ___ a game out of throwing it for his dog to catch.

As they played, Tom ___ it was getting late. He ___ about leaving, but he still wanted to play a bit longer. Suddenly, Tom ___ another boy who ___ to the park. The boy ____ a toy and ___ it to Tom. They both ____ stories and laughed.

Tom's dog ____ tired, so they decided to leave. The boy ____ Tom a shortcut home. Before he ___, Tom ___ happy and thanked the boy. When he ___ home, Tom ____ a smile to his mother's face by telling her all about his fun day at the park.

3. Ответьте развернуто на вопросы по тексту:

What was the name of the young boy?
What kind of pet did Tom have?
Where did Tom go one day?
What did Tom's mother say to him before he left?
Did Tom listen to his mother’s advice?
What did Tom and his dog find in the park?
What kind of game did Tom make with the ball?
How did Tom feel about the time while playing?
What did Tom suddenly see while he was playing?
What did the other boy find and give to Tom?
What did Tom and the other boy do together?
Why did Tom and the other boy decide to leave the park?
What did the boy show Tom on their way home?
How did Tom feel before he left the park?
What did Tom do when he got home to make his mother smile?

4. Переведите на русский язык

Однажды жил-был мальчик по имени Том. У него была маленькая собака. Однажды Том пошел в парк со своей собакой. Его мама сказала ему: "Будь осторожен!" Том так и сделал, как она ему сказала, и позаботился о своей собаке. В парке они нашли мяч и Том придумал игру с мячом.

Они играли в парке. Том понял, что становится поздно. Он подумал о том, чтобы уйти. Вдруг Том увидел другого мальчика, который тоже пришел в парк. Мальчик нашел игрушку и дал её Тому. Они оба рассказывали истории и смеялись.

Собака Тома устала, поэтому они решили пойти домой. Мальчик показал Тому дорогу домой. Перед тем как расстаться, Том почувствовал себя радостным и поблагодарил мальчика. Когда он пришел домой, Том улыбался и рассказал маме о своем веселом дне в парке.

5. Составьте примерный, развернутый план текста на английском языке с подсказками

6. Перескажите текст

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