
1. Вставьте пропущенное вопросительное слово:

___ is your favorite book?
___ do you live?
___ did you start learning English?
___ are you interested in this job?
___ do you make a cake?
___ is your best friend?
___ movie do you want to watch?
___ did you invite to the party?
___ car is this?
___ does this cost?
___ languages do you speak?
___ have you been working here?
___ is the nearest bus stop?
___ do you exercise?
___ does the meeting start?
___ music do you like?
___ is your car?
___ else have you traveled?
___ it rains tomorrow?
___ is coming to the event?
___ try something new?
___ did you use this tool?
___ did you lose your phone?
___ can you finish the report?

2. Переведите на английский:

Что ты любишь делать в свободное время?
Где ты живешь?
Куда ты обычно едешь в отпуск?
Почему тебе нравится эта профессия?
Как ты обычно проводишь выходные?
Кто твой лучший друг?
Какой твой любимый фильм?
Сколько тебе лет?
Чей это телефон?
Кого ты хочешь пригласить на вечеринку?
Как часто вы бываете за границей?
Насколько тебе понравилось мероприятие?
Каким образом ты решаешь такие проблемы?
Как часто ты занимаешься спортом?
Сколько времени у тебя уходит на дорогу на работу?
С кем ты обычно проводишь выходные?
Для чего тебе нужен этот инструмент?
О чем ты думаешь?
Куда ты собираешься поехать в отпуск?
Зачем тебе понадобилась эта книга?

Разгадайте зашифрованные вопросительные слова:


Найдите вопросительные слова:

i, HoW, ThAt, WhEn, He, YoU, ThErE, WhAt, TiMe, GeT, WhO, AnD, HoW MuCh, ThEiR, ShE, PeOpLe, ThIs, WhAt KiNd, JuSt, MaKe, In, At, ThEy, ThErE, WiTh, WhO, No, FoR, WhAt CoLoR, HoW OfTeN, ThIs, WhIch, ThAt, WhErE, ThIs, LiKe, WoUlD, FrOm, WhY, An, SaY, WhAt SiZe, Be, YoUr, HoW, FrOm, Do, At, CaN, HeR, On, TaKe, So, WiLL, Me, KnOw, My, OnE, OuT, ThAt, ThEiR, Up, HoW MaNy, By, Do, NoT, ShE, YoU, TiMe.

Ответьте на вопросы:

What’s your name?
How are you?
Where are you from?
What is your profession?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Where is your family?
What’s your favorite color?
What kind of music do you like?
What pets do you have at home?
What’s your favorite food?
Where did you go to school?
What languages do you speak?
How many kids do you have?
What’s your favorite hobby?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What sports do you like?
What’s your favorite sport?
Where do you like to travel?
What countries did you visit?
What’s your dream?
What’s your favorite movie?
What kind of books do you read?
What’s your favorite TV show?
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
What do you like to cook?
What’s your favorite restaurant?
What’s your favorite season of the year?
What’s your favorite holiday?
What’s your favorite animal?
What’s your favorite sport?
Where do you like to visit in your city?
What’s your favorite dessert?
What’s your favorite drink?
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
How do you like to relax?
What musical instruments do you play?
What’s the most interesting place you visited?
What type of weather do you like best?
What is your favourite place for shopping?
What do you like best: cats or dogs?
What do you like best: coffee or tea?
What’s your favorite national food?
What do like best: going to the cinema, going to the theatre of watching TV?
What do you like to do on weekends?
What are your plans for the future?
What is your favorite thing about life?

Отгадайте по реплике, какой был задан вопрос:

My favorite movie is "Ivan Wasilyewich changes his occupation."
I love both, but I’m more of a dog person.
I like to relax by reading a book or watching a movie.
I’ve visited Italy, Japan, the US.
I love autumn because of the beautiful weather and colorful leaves.
My favorite color is blue.
My dream is to travel the world and learn about different cultures.
I like shopping at "Magnum" or "City Mall" because they have a great selection.
I speak English, Spanish, Russian.
I like playing basketball and swimming.
My favorite sport is soccer.
My favorite holiday is Christmas.
I like to spend time with my family, go for a walk, and relax.
I’m doing great, thank you! How about you?
I’m from Romania.
My family is in Australia. Some of them live with me, and others live elsewhere.
My favorite dessert is chocolate cake.
I like both, but I’m more of a dog person.
In the future, I plan to travel more and focus on my career.
I have a dog and two cats at home.
I play the guitar and a little bit of piano.
I’m 58 years old.
I love traveling to Nepal, especially to tropical places.
My favorite TV show is "Fashion Verdict."
One of my favorite memories is going camping with my family during the summer.
I like cooking Italian food, especially pasta dishes.
I like both, but I’m more of a dog person.
I’ve visited Italy, China, Japan, the US.
My favorite restaurant is "Genazwali", they serve amazing luli-kebab.
My favorite childhood memory is going camping with my family during the summer.
I like basketball and swimming.
I like cooking Italian food, especially pasta dishes.

Выбери портрет, задай как можно больше вопросов выбранному персонажу:

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