Kazakhstan – Astana
Казахстан - Астана
Kazakhstan - Astana
Russia - Moscow
Italy - Rome
Japan - Tokyo
Turkey - Ankara
Poland - Warsaw
Brazil - Brasilia
China - Beijing
England - London
Hungary - Budapest
Mexico – Mexico City
Spain - Madrid
the United States – Washington
Where are you from? - Откуда вы?
Where is he from? - Откуда он?
Where is she from? - Откуда она?
Were are they from? - Откуда они?
Brazil – Brazilian
Бразилия – бразилец
Kazakhstan - Kazakh
Brazil - Brazilian
China – Chinese
England – English
Hungary – Hungarian
Italy – Italian
Japan – Japanese
Mexico – Mexican
Poland – Polish
Russia – Russian
Spain – Spanish
Turkey – Turkish
the United States – American
the UK – British
Passport - Паспорт
Identity Card (ID) - Удостоверение личности (ID карта)
Personal Information - Личные данные
First name - имя
Given Name - Имя
Middle name - отчество (второе/третье имя)
Last name - фамилия
Second name - фамилия
Surname - фамилия
Date of Birth - Дата рождения
Place of Birth - Место рождения
Nationality - Национальность
Sex - Пол
Passport Number - Номер паспорта
Date of Issue - Дата выдачи
Place of Issue - Место выдачи
Expiry Date - Дата окончания срока действия
Signature - Подпись
Holder's Photo - Фотография владельца
Issued by - Выдан (кем)
Passport Type - Тип паспорта
Visa - Виза
Document Number - Номер документа
Address - Адрес
Issuing Authority - Орган, выдавший документ
Residence - Место жительства
Country of Residence - Страна проживания
Receptionist: Good afternoon, thank you for calling Hillton Hotel. How can I assist you today?
Guest: Hi, I’d like to book a room for the weekend.
Receptionist: Of course! May I have your name, please?
Guest: Sure, it’s John Smith.
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Smith. For what dates?
Guest: From Friday, February 14th, to Sunday, February 16th.
Receptionist: Let me check ... Yes, we do have a single room available for those dates. Would you like a standard room or a two bedroom?
Guest: A standard room, please.
Receptionist: Great. The standard room with free Wi-Fi, breakfast, and gym access. Would you like additional services: airport transfer or parking?
Guest: I’ll need airport transfer and parking, please.
Receptionist: The airport transfer is $30, and parking is $15 per day. Should I add both to your reservation?
Guest: Yes, please.
Receptionist: Perfect. Your total for the stay, including the room, transfer, and parking, will be $320. Does that sound good?
Guest: That sounds fine. How do I pay?
Receptionist: You can pay by credit card over the phone to confirm your reservation. May I have your card details, please?
Guest: Sure, here you go: 1234 5678 9101, John Smith.
Receptionist: Could you spell your name, please.
Guest: Yes, j-o-h-n s-m-i-t-h
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Your booking is now confirmed! You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Guest: No, that’s all. Thank you!
Receptionist: You’re welcome! We look forward to welcoming you. Have a great day!
Agent: Good morning, thank you for calling American Airlines. How can I help you today?
Customer: Hi, I’d like to book a flight to New York, please.
Agent: Where are you going to fly from?
Customer: Berlin.
Agent: When would you like to fly?
Customer: I’m looking to fly on March 10th, and I’d like to return on March 15th.
Agent: Let me check the available flights for you... We have a direct flight from Berlin to New York on March 10th, departing at 10:00 AM. Would that work for you?
Customer: Yes, that sounds perfect. And for the return flight?
Agent: The return flight on March 15th departs at 5:00 PM. Does that time work for you?
Customer: Yes, that’s fine.
Agent: Great! I’ll book you on both flights. May I have your full name, please?
Customer: It’s Sarah Johnson.
Agent: Thank you, Sarah. I’ll need a credit card to confirm your booking.
Customer: Sure, here are my card details: 1234 5678 9101
Agent: Your total for the round-trip ticket is $450. Is everything correct?
Customer: Yes, that’s fine.
Agent: Your booking is confirmed! You’ll receive an email with your flight details shortly. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Customer: No, that’s all. Thank you!
Agent: You’re welcome, Sarah! Have a great trip, and thank you for choosing American Airlines. Have a nice day!
Customs Officer: Good morning! May I see your passport, please?
Traveler: Sure, here it is.
Customs Officer: Thank you. What is the purpose of your visit?
Traveler: I’m here for vacation. I’ll be staying for a week.
Customs Officer: Great! Do you have anything to declare?
Traveler: No, I don’t have anything to declare.
Customs Officer: Are you carrying any food, plants, or animals with you?
Traveler: No, I’m not.
Customs Officer: Thank you. How much cash are you carrying with you?
Traveler: I have $500 in cash.
Customs Officer: That’s fine. Please place your bag on the table for inspection.
Traveler: Sure.
Customs Officer: Everything seems good. Enjoy your stay, and have a nice trip!
Traveler: Thank you!
Can I see your passport, please?
Могу я увидеть ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?
Can I see your passport, please? - Могу я увидеть ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?
What is the purpose of your visit? - Какова цель вашего визита?
How long do you plan to stay? - Как долго вы планируете оставаться?
Where will you be staying? - Где вы будете останавливаться?
Do you have anything to declare? - У вас есть что-то для декларирования?
Are you carrying any food, plants, or animals with you? - У вас есть с собой еда, растения или животные?
How much cash are you carrying? - Сколько наличных денег у вас с собой?
Have you been to ... before? – Вы раньше были в ...?
Are you bringing any items for commercial purposes? - Вы везете с собой товары для коммерческих целей?
Do you have a return ticket? - У вас есть билет на обратный рейс?
Are you traveling alone? - Вы путешествуете один?
Do you have any prohibited items with you? - У вас есть с собой запрещенные предметы?
Do you have any medications with you? - У вас есть лекарства с собой?
I’m lost
Я заблудился.
I’m lost - Я заблудился.
I need help - Мне нужна помощь.
Can you help me? - Можете мне помочь?
I can’t find my way - Я не могу найти дорогу.
Where am I? - Где я?
I feel sick - Мне плохо.
I need to see a doctor - Мне нужно увидеться с врачом.
I lost my passport - Я потерял паспорт.
My wallet is missing - Мой кошелек пропал.
I lost my phone - Я потерял телефон.
I lost my luggage - Я потерял багаж.
I need to contact my embassy - Мне нужно связаться с посольством.
Where is the nearest hospital? - Где ближайшая больница?
I need medical assistance - Мне нужна медицинская помощь.
I’ve been robbed - Меня ограбили.
Can you call the police? - Можете позвонить в полицию?
I’ve had an accident - У меня произошел несчастный случай.
Is there a pharmacy nearby? - Есть ли рядом аптека?
I’ve been injured - Я травмирован.
I need a translator - Мне нужен переводчик.
My flight was canceled - Мой рейс отменили.
I missed my flight - Я опоздал на рейс.
Is there a lost and found? - Где находится бюро находок?